Living Your Best Life

Astro-Cartography Training

When You Choose the Right Spot,
You Attract What Is Right For You
With Ease and Good Timing...

How to Shift Your VIBRATION with Your LOCATION!

It's no secret that we are living in times of unprecedented change.

Nothing seems certain anymore. Surprises are the norm.

During major shifts the gates open, the air is cleared, opportunity knocks, and there is so much to gain!

As you heed the calling of your Soul (instead of following expectations from others on how to live your life), you are turning within for guidance.

Having access to your spiritual map aids immensely in guiding you to make high vibrational choices on where and when to navigate next.

Enter the amazing spiritual and practical modality of Astro-Cartography!

Also called Relocational Astrology or Locational Astrology, AstroCartography combines Astrology and Location to bring your natal chart to life on planet Earth!

Your AstroCartography map guides you to your BEST places on Earth.
It also warns you about difficult locations.

Sometimes visiting challenging places is necessary for growth. However, if you are aware of how the planetary lines in that location impact you, a great deal of pain and suffering can be transmuted.

Mapping your astrology chart onto the globe is deeply healing.

Especially now, during epic times of change, this is exactly the information you want at your fingertips!

Once you know where your best and most challenging places are on the world map, you have the power to make enlightened choices about those locations, which will make a huge difference in your life - even impacting the quality of people you attract!

Your Birthday Can't Be Changed - Your Location CAN!

Your Astrology birth chart cannot be changed. 

Your birthday, birth time and birthplace are fixed.

However, you CAN impact your Astrology Birth Promise by living in a highly positive location. 

That is - IF you know how to correctly use AstroCartography!

In the brand new *Living Your BEST Life* AstroCartography Training, we dive deeply into the three main components of interpreting anyone's AstroCartography map:

Your Astrology Birth Chart
Your AstroCartography Map and Relocated Chart
Your CycloCartography Forecast

Within each of these components lie many layers of discovery...

What does it all mean to you?

In a nutshell, by moving or traveling to a new area, you awaken specific points in your natal Star Code.

You also activate bigger themes, such as career, love, abundance, family, health, spirituality - depending on which planetary lines you have in each location.

Where you live and where travel makes a HUGE impact on the quality of your life!

With the right tools and teaching, you can find the best locations in the world for yourself and others - while also taking advantage of the best timing on WHEN to activate each planetary line...

AstroCartography Puts the Power in Your Hands!

It gives you the freedom to CHOOSE a great place over a difficult place - empowering you in a big way!
By knowing the meaning of each planetary line, you’ll understand which places in the world are more favorable for certain purposes than others - and, just as importantly, which are not.
But first you need to know how to correctly interpret your AstroCartography Map!

Here's one of the biggest misconceptions about AstroCartography:

Just like your Sun Sign does not define who you are, it's not a given that moving to your Jupiter line will shower you with abundance and good fortune. 

Or that your Venus line will fulfill your dreams of attracting love, pleasure and prosperity...

Many mistakes are made by those who assume "perfect lines" exist in AstroCartography - lines that anybody can move to and thrive. Yes, it can happen - but there are many more factors to consider.

Your natal planets do not exist in a vacuum.

Each planet in your birth chart has aspects connecting it in harmonious or challenging ways to other planets and angles in your birth chart.

Your natal planets are also colored by their sign, their sect and the dignity they hold.

Plus, every planetary line (whether it main or secondary) in your AstroCartography Map also reflects one of the four Angles - AC, DC, MC or IC.

These are vital details you must be aware of - beyond the "fix" of relocating to your Venus or Jupiter line!

How You Will Benefit From *Living Your Best Life*

This powerful training is for you, if you are committed to your inner growth and open to diving into the magical secrets in your AstroCartography Map...
It is for you, if you want to EXPAND your knowledge of Astrology (including seeing your birth chart in ways you may not recognize!) and combine it with Locality...
It is for you, if you are ready to explore vibrations, frequencies and energy on a new level  - and apply the wisdom to help others.

***Requires a basic knowledge of Astrology - For example, you have seen a natal astrology chart (even if you have not interpreted it), and you have a basic understanding of the zodiac signs and planets.***

Ready to dive into your AstroCartography Map?
Here is what you will learn in 6 Modules:

Module 1: Your Natal Planets - Foundation for Your AstroCartography

An overview of your natal chart - the foundation for your AstroCartography Map. Included are the Four Angles, Houses, Essential Dignity, Aspects, Ruler, Sect (Day and Night Charts). How to cast your AstroCartography Map!

Module 2: Integrating Your Main Lines and Birth Chart

Learn how to integrate your natal chart with the Main Lines in your AstroCartography World Map. Many case studies illustrate how positive or challenging aspects in your birth chart profoundly effect how you experience each of your planetary lines.

Module 3: Local Space Lines and Relocated Charts

Two more vital layers are unveiled: "Local Space Lines" which emanate from your place of birth and spread around the globe. And the importance of Relocated Charts which can be cast for any city or town in order to discover which specific areas of your life will be emphasized if you moved or traveled there.

Module 4: Parans - The Secret Latitude Lines that Change Everything

If there was ever a deal-breaker in AstroCartography, it is your Latitude Lines - called Parans. Each Paran in your chart (and you have many!) creates a highly specific environment which circles the globe. The impact of Paran lines are not to be underestimated - they are just as important as your Main planetary lines.

Module 5: Your Personal Power Places + Challenging Locations

There are a few regions in the world where you can manifest your dreams with the greatest of ease. Welcome to your Personal Power Places. Discover how to find them, and also know the most challenging regions of the globe that are best avoided - just as important!

Module 6: CycloCartography - Best / Worst Times to Move or Travel

Discover how to plan WHEN it's best to travel or relocate anywhere in the world. Your birth chart sets in motion a FORECAST showing the good times AND difficult times to explore any location! Save yourself a lot of unnecessary obstacles by taking advantage of fortunate windows revealed in your constantly changing CycloCartography Forecast!

When you SEE the positive possibilities of your AstroCartography Map in front of you – you gain the wisdom to manifest magical outcomes by choosing optimal locations to visit, explore and live.

Where do you feel called to go?

Follow your heart - and check your map!

Even a few miles away can make ALL the difference - especially when it comes to your Local Space and Paran lines. Unlock more and more opportunities and flow by activating your fortunate places.

Now it's time to unveil Your AstroCartography Map...

How will *Living Your BEST Life* Training work?

All the training is contained on private, members-only, password protected pages, so you can watch the training online OR you can download it to your Tablet or mobile phone and just learn on the go.
Plus you receive PDFs of the Slide Shows for each Webinar (a fabulous reference tool!)
From the very first lesson you will have a tremendous amount of knowledge at your fingertips, allowing you to plan ahead and activate your destiny with greater ease.

The rich content in every module is structured so you can assimilate the material at your own pace.

Numerous Case Studies highlight pivotal, life-altering shifts as a result of AstroCartography - so you will see locational astrology come to life in various examples to help you assimilate the material in a fun and entertaining way!

Our fabulous private membership site allows you to access and download all webinar videos, audios and PDFs at any time in multiple ways. You can print out the Powerpoint slides that accompany each webinar and come in two handy formats - One-slide or Multi-slides per pagem- creating a handy, portable reference manual.

*Living Your BEST Life Discount*

$600 DISCOUNT:  $1,297.00 $697

or Four Monthly Payments of $339 $189

You’ll be able to access Module One of the training INSTANTLY after checkout.

How To Attract Abundance Using Your Most Fortunate Locations!

In this special BONUS Module you'll receive two amazing tools: 

1. Discover how to attract abundance in your life with the conscious activation of your highly Fortunate Locations - your Personal Power Places - no matter where you live!

2. You'll also receive big insights about the impact of certain people on your life...solely based on where they are from.

My No- Risk 100% Money Back Guarantee

Due to the highly transformational impact of this training, all refund requests must be made within 10 days of purchase. After you complete your purchase, you will immediately be given access to the first module of the Living Your BEST Life program, followed by module two after seven days. If you ask for a refund within those 10 days, you must have participated in the program up until then. That means that you reached out to me if you have any questions. No refunds will be given after the ten-day refund period, and you will remain responsible for any remaining outstanding payments due. Any decision you make for non-participation after the refund period expires will not be a valid reason for a refund request.

Living Your BEST Life is an investment in YOU. And with our 10-day Money back guarantee you can test-drive the program completely risk-free!

*Living Your BEST Life Discount*

$600 DISCOUNT:  $1,297.00  $697

or Four Monthly Payments of $339 $189

You’ll be able to access Module One of the training INSTANTLY after checkout.

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